Inside Out, In the Round - A Video!
Thank you SO much to all of you for taking the time to click through to have a squiz at my blog!!! I really appreciate you all :)
Yesterday, some of you asked me what I really mean by inside-out. Some of you asked if I purl instead of knit (as in, working only on the WS - eeks!). So I thought I'd try to do a quick video to show you :)
PLEASE understand that I do not, in any way, believe that knitting inside-out is the "right" way. I don't think it's the "wrong" way either. I brought up the topic simply because I find it interesting, and thought I'd share my thoughts, and ask you your's. As long as we're not hurting ourselves, I see no reason why we can't continue the way we are :)
Lastly...I feel SOOOOOO awkward making please excuse my nervous laughing etc. ;)